Student Stories & Blog

AAT Student Stories: Lauren Salt | AAT Level 2 & 3 Review

After putting her career on pause as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, Lauren re-evaluated what she wanted to do and decided to enrol on a combined AAT Level 2 Foundation Certificate and Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Accounting course, in an effort to kickstart her career. 

CIPD Student Stories: Jennifer Devaney | CIPD Level 3 Review

Already a seasoned people professional, Jennifer thought it would be a good idea to enrol on a CIPD Level 3 Certificate to upskill and showcase her credibility.

CIPD Student Stories: Tessa Stocks | CIPD Level 5 Review

After a career break, Tessa felt like she was starting her career from the bottom again. Now, after completing her HR CIPD Level 5 qualification she's "extremely hopeful for the future".

CIPD Student Stories: Shan Chia | CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management

Shan knew it was time for a career switch and knew that enrolling on a CIPD course was the best way to gain the necessary skills and knowledge.

International GCSE Student Stories: Harry Harber | International GCSE English Language

Looking to enhance his English teaching career, Harry enrolled on our International GCSE English Language course to gain the necessary knowledge to transfer to his students.

CIPD Student Stories: Kirstin Leineke | Level 5 Associate Diploma Review

Kirstin wanted to ensure she was equipped to fufil a HR role in England after her move from Canada. As a People and Culture Administrator she is currently studying her Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management.

CIPS Student Story: Shannon Fay | CIPS Level 4 Review

Shannon wanted to develop within her procurement job so she decided to enrol for a CIPS Level 4 Diploma with ICS Learn.

CIPD Student Stories: James Warren | CIPD Level 5 Associate Diploma

James was ready for a career switch and decided to enrol on the Level 5 Associate Diploma in People Management with ICS Learn.

CIPS Student Story: Jasmine Thompson | CIPS Level 3 Review

Jasmine wanted to enhance her procurement career with an industry accredited qualification. Therefore, she decided to enrol for the CIPS Level 3 Certificate with ICS Learn.

AAT Student Stories: James McParlan | AAT Level 2 Review

After starting a new accounting position James realised that he had to take an industry qualification to catch up with new industry technologies and systems. He enrolled on a AAT Level 2 qualification with ICS and is excited for his further studies in the future.