Leadership and Management Blog

How Much Does an ILM Qualification Cost?

ILM qualifications can really develop your management career. In this blog, we try to answer that age old question: how much does an ILM qualification cost?

How Long Does a CMI Qualification Take?

CMI qualifications can transform your management career, but how long does a CMI qualification take to complete? Here's what you need to know.

David Sims | ILM Level 2 Certificate in Leadership and Team Skills

David was sceptical about online learning, having had previously bad experiences. However, having come across ICS Learn, has gained a promotion throughout his studies and is thoroughly enjoying his course! Find out more in his story.

CMI or ILM: Which Qualification is Better?

While CMI and ILM qualifications are similar, there are a few key factors you should consider before making your final decision. Read more here.

What Qualifications Do You Need to Be a Manager?

We review what qualifications you need to become a confident, world-class manager - no matter what industry you’re in.

The 6 Best Courses for Managers

Develop your career by learning new leadership and team management skills. Here are 6 of the best courses for managers!

PRINCE2 Student Stories: Emma Greenway | PRINCE2 and CIPD Level 3 Certificate Review

Reaching a significant milestone in her life, Emma had three goals she wanted to tick off her list before she turned 40. Read her story to find out how she got on!

ILM Student Stories: Yessheka Brooks | ILM Level 5 Award Review

Yessheka is in the midst of her business plans and undertook the ILM Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management to make sure she had the correct skills to lead her successful team. Find out how she got on in this blog.

How to Tailor Your CV for Management Roles

Break into the management roles you've always dreamed. Tailor your CV towards them and increase your chances of getting hired or promoted with these tips.

ILM Student Stories: Andrew Hughes | ILM Level 2 Certificate Review

Becoming a team leader in his company was one of Andrew's aspirations. After enrolling in our online ILM Level 2 course, he was able to advance his career and achieve his goals.