Student Stories & Blog

The Pros and Cons of Studying CIPD Online

With online learning becoming more and more popular, studying CIPD online can help HR and L&D professionals elevate their career and fit their studies around their life. This blog explores the prod and cons of studying a CIPD qualification online.

8 Steps to Achieve Sustainable Financial Stability

Achieving financial stability is one of everyone's main goals, but it's much easier said than done. This blog explores the steps you can take today to ensure long-term financial health and stability for the future.

Office Xmas Night Out Attire (The Weird & Wonderful)

It's work Xmas night out season, a chance to let loose and enjoy the festive season with your colleagues, but with that comes the question: "What will I wear?". This blog looks at the weird and wonderful of festive night out attire, to help you put a professionally appropriate outfit together.

Benefits and Drawbacks of AI for Writing

The rise of AI has revolutionised many aspects of our lives, some of which refer to the way we now approach writing, both in an academic an professional setting. This blog, however, reviews the benefits, as well as the drawbacks, of the employment of AI for writing.

Career Transitions: From Paraplanner to Financial Adviser

Career transitions can often be challenging to navigate, but transitioning from a Paraplanner to a Financial Adviser is one that simply makes sense, having similar skills and competencies. This blog highlights what steps can be taken to allow for a smooth career transition.

5 Ways Millennials are Influencing Marketing

Millennials have now taken over the workforce and since being brought up in the age of the most extreme technological advancements, they bring a new skillset industries could benefit from. In this blog we explore the 5 ways in which Millennials are influencing the Marketing industry.

What Not to Wear on Dress Down or Casual Friday?

Dress Down or Casual Fridays have become a staple perk for most companies, however the do's and don'ts are often blurred when it comes to those days. In this blog we explore what you should avoid wearing on casual work days to avoid being unprofessional.

The Future of Business: How AI is Changing the Game

With the introduction of AI in the world of work, the future of business roles has been somewhat unclear, especially when considering how AI will be integrated into those sectors. This blog takes a dive into how AI will be changing the game for some roles.

The Importance of Big Data in Accounting

AI and Big Data have now entered the accounting industry, and as a result have transformed the way professionals work. In this blog we consider the importance of Big Data in Accounting and reflect its benefits to the industry.

5 Essential Digital Skills to Set Your Apart

Digital skills are becoming increasingly more requested in the workplace and can be detrimental in securing yourself a job. In this blog we explore essential digital skills that will set you apart from other job candidates.